Monday, August 31, 2009


My NPR interview (see this link) stirred up old memories. The memories themselves are less important to me than that they are refreshed and are current stories once again. This is one of the points of my memory series. I realized that after my mother died, there were a certain body of memories from my years living and traveling overseas that I will no longer be able to hold as current stories.

Print screening on salvaged steel seemed to be the most appropriate way to communicate that loss. The steel already had some rust pock marks on it and is much more pronounced 1/2 year later. The wonderful thing is that the simple act of making and hanging the pieces in my studio has kept these memories current.

NPR: Geography of Friendship

NPR interviewed us as examples of how being thrown together by the dorm lottery at University of Virginia led to our life-long friendship due to our vulnerability, race and proximity

This was a fun reminiscence with one of my best friends, Sally Hoffmaster. We especially enjoyed recalling all the points that a short radio story can't bring in and, come to think of it, would result in a different story. My thinking is that the reasons for our good friendship are more our mutual interests in music and art and our similar and quirky senses of humor.